
The lap top computer LLLC received from In Kind Canada was a life saver. I wanted you to know how much good your organization has done for mine. Thank you. — Carol Luck La Leche League Canada

“I would like to thank you for your transfer of the donation-in- kind of the beautiful rings, to be used for our fundraising auction.” Thank you for helping us to “enrich lives and fulfil dreams” — Kelly Boon

Thank you for the generous donation of two computers. The computers are an invaluable resource. The generosity of organizations like In Kind Canada, makes it possible for small non profit organizations, like the Art Gallery St. Thomas – Elgin, to keep moving ahead and making progress. — Lori Chamberlain

The prints that you sent, greatly enhanced the quality of our Auction. The event was both profitable and successful in promoting the Association. — Tracy Ryan

We were impressed with the quality of office furniture we recently received through In Kind Canada. We were also impressed with In Kind Canada and their ability to coordinate the distribution. — Paula Osmok

Everyone here at Inner City Angels thanks In Kind Canada just for being so KIND! What a wonderful organization you are. You have certainly made a difference in our lives! — Jane Howard Baker Inner City Angels