In Kind Canada Recycles
Tech Trash,
Surplus Assets, Office Furniture & More . . .
Mississauga, Ontario, April 2003
In Kind Canada, a Public Foundation, is in the
business of matching corporations' surplus supplies and equipment
with the needs of charities. IKC offers a cost effective brokerage
service that allows corporations to reduce storage and administrative
costs. This innovative program lets corporations recycle rather
than discard surplus assets. Donor corporations may qualify
for a charitable tax receipt, and more importantly, can provide
much needed support to charities. IKC has delivered office furniture,
computers, fax machines, printers, photo-copiers, office furniture,
art and craft supplies, clothing, kitchen equipment, stationery,
art for auctions and much more to charities across Canada.
In Kind Canada has created a "WIN-WIN-WIN" program!
The Environment WINS! Hazardous materials such
as mercury, lead and PCB's leak out of discarded computers and
monitors. These chemicals pollute our ground water and spew
toxic chemicals into the air when burned. Recycling your tech
trash helps to keep hazardous waste out of our land fills.
Corporate Donors WIN! Corporation can increase
their level of support for charities while effectively solving
the problem of what to do with surplus material they generate.
Charities and Society WIN! Charities are able
to better use their operating funds, and thereby direct a greater
portion of their budget to their programs. A healthy charitable
sector helps sustain a healthy society.
- Over 1,250 charities now benefit from IKC's programs
and services;
- For every $ spent by IKC $45 are generated for
the charitable sector. This is a rate of return unequalled by
all other charities;
- More than 2,000,000 Canadians indirectly
benefit from our program;
- By the end of 2002 IKC had processed
over $100 Million worth of "in kind" donations;
- More than
1,000,000 individual items have been processed to date;
Now logging three million hits a year!
For more information
[email protected]
National Office: 905-816-0900